Winter/Spring 2024

Things I love about Kirk Game

Winter and Spring 101 Class

Save The Pets

Winter 101 Class

Chloe (Grade 3), Lucas (Grade 2), and Leo (Grade 2)

Fall 2023

Youth raise money for a fantasy field for their school in need of a green space.

Created by Josiah (Grade 3), Lucas (Grade 2), and Leo (Grade 2)

Summer 2023

Two Roommates Make the World a Better Place is a game about two roommates who decide to earn money to help build homes for the homeless.

Created by Chloe (Grade 3) and October (Grade 2)

Stop the Hunger Adventure follows a concerned citizen who wants to help people in need in their community.

Created by Aaliyah (Grade 4) Rashard (Grade 1) and Sharrieff (Grade 6)

Lebronville is an imagined town founded by Lebron James. Follow an eager new visitor as they learn from their mistake of littering by helping out around the town.

Created by Caleb (Grade 7), James (Grade 4), Sophie (Grade 6), and Abram (Grade 1)

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