Our Team


Jordyn Barber


In January 2020, Jordyn Barber wrote a book titled The Greenprint, her call to reimagine cities and communities to address racial injustice, wealth inequality, and climate change. It is a hope for future cities that value all people in America.

Her commitment to education and community-building is evident through her role as a professor, educator, and curriculum developer, empowering educators to teach game design with a focus on social impact.

Originally from Georgetown, South Carolina Jordyn holds a MFA in Film & TV Production and BA in Interactive Media from the University of Southern California where she adopted the mantra “the film is made in pre-production.” She wholeheartedly believes creating an immersive planning tool for communities to create their own ideal societies is the most pragmatic way to see a better world manifest in reality. 


Colleen McGregor


Colleen McGregor holds her MFA from USC’s School of Cinematic Arts in film production. She has been writing, directing and producing films for over 15 years. Vist her portfolio site. She was formerly the lead creative producer on the ‘World in a Cell’ VR/XR project at USC's School of Cinematic Arts World Building Media Lab. She has also been a youth STEAM educator and development director at several non-profits including Lux Art Institute & Outside the Lens in San Diego and SoBro in New York City.

Viviane El Kmati

Chief Technology Officer

Viviane is a Lebanese designer and creative technologist working with virtual reality, storytelling, and artificial intelligence technologies. She has led projects for Alex McDowell, Google R&D, Worldbuilding Media Lab USC, Liam Young, Architecture and Urban Design UCLA.

Janel King Goldstein

Chief Education Officer

Janel King Goldstein spent the last 20 years working in urban education settings in Los Angeles and throughout California as a teacher, a district level administrator, and the director at an educational nonprofit, before joining The Greenprint.

As Director of Education for the Youth Cinema Project, she wrote multiple curriculums for grades 4-12. For 12 years before directing a non-profit, Janel worked at a Title I district in Los Angeles County as a teacher, grade level chair, and district level coordinator. In addition to BAs in Cinema/Television and Classics from USC, and a MA in Education from LMU, Janel also holds a Teaching Credential in the state of California. 

She was awarded the Teacher of the Year Gold Award in 2006 and chaired the 2013 California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) Teacher of the Year Committee. 

Max Musau

Lead Game Developer

Max Musau is a distinguished technology expert with over 10 years of experience in the field. His expertise expands digital platform design and development, game development, and new media interactive experiences, and his accomplishments include the successful launch of three games and two community platforms. With a passion for utilizing new technology and new media to enhance creativity and productivity within storytelling within communities.

He is deeply enthusiastic about interactive media and has taken significant steps to foster its growth within his community recognizing the importance of sharing authentic African experiences through interactive media, Max established a studio aimed at creating engaging and immersive content that captures the essence of local culture. This endeavor reflects his dedication to highlighting cultural richness through innovative means.

Ariella Gaughan

Native Plants and Tribal Consultation Specialist

Ariella Gaughan, a member of the Chickasaw Nation, was born and raised in Northern California until attending UCLA in 2021. She is currently pursuing her Masters in American Indian Studies and Urban Planning. She earned her paralegal certificate in 2019, and has worked on legal cases in the field of criminal and family law, giving her insight to the systemic inequities that have shaped society.

She worked for the County Development Department in Tuolumne County before arriving at UCLA, and currently, she completes contract work for an urban planning consulting firm in Los Angeles. Her undergraduate research focused primarily on integrating environmental history and Indigenous science to narratives to shape urban and conservation planning. She enjoys using restorative methods of design that are built to both serve human and natural ecological environments.

Our Board

  • Travis Hemmen

  • Jarale Phillips

  • Mike West

  • Jamari Perry

  • Camila Saldarriaga

  • Miguel Murguia

Board Emeritus

  • Dr. Frederick Gregory

  • Jamecca Marshall

  • Erin Li

  • Yara Feghali 

Our Advisory Board

  • Alexandra Thomopoulos

  • Kadijah Means

  • Kafia Haile