How to Play

The goal is to create a sustainable neighborhood.

You know your neighborhood is sustainable when the status goes green.

Click the status to see what you have and need.


To begin building, left click on the Build icon.

Select a Home, Food, Shelter, or Energy Block.

Move the mouse to move the block after selected. Right click to rotate. Left click to place.

Left Click on any block to Stack, Move, Copy, Delete, and get Info


You can only build on the ground, but once built, you can select a block and stack on top of it.

You can either stack the same block or an energy block.

You can only select the block on top, if this one is deleted or moved, then the one below it becomes the one you can select and interact with.


Zoom in and out with wheel or buttons.

Pan camera around with right click.

Click Switch View for side perspective.

Learn More

Click Learn More to explore how these blocks work in real life

This prototype is only the beginning. Our big vision is to bring a full version to life on mobile and VR devices.

If you have any questions or information you’d like to share, comment below or join the live chat.


The Blocks