The Land

The land used in our prototype is Weehaw Plantation located in Georgetown, South Carolina. Georgetown is my hometown and where my passion for attempting this endeavor began.

The foundation of the racial injustice and wealth inequality we face in America lies beneath these trees, where centuries of slave labor built a generational wealth those slaves would never see.  This is a past we must reconcile in order to imagine a better future.

Quick Facts About Weehaw Plantation

Number of acres – 1028.6

Number of slaves – 302 in 1850

Primary crop – Rice      

The earliest record of the plantation is in the year 1767 when Francis Kinloch dies and left it to his son Cleland Kinloch.

Cleland was one of the first rice planters to successfully use the tidal method and to build a pounding mill that used water power.     

In 1823, Cleland passed away and Weehaw was left to his daughter Harriott, the wife of Henry Augustus Middleton. Middleton continued to successfully grow rice at Weehaw.


Cleland’s Brother Francis

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The Blocks